Chapter 651. Pipe Bomb Materials  

§ 651-1. Legislative intent.
§ 651-2. Definitions.
§ 651-3. Sale to and purchase by minors prohibited.
§ 651-4. Signs.
§ 651-5. Penalties for offenses.
§ 651-6. Applicability.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Suffolk County Legislature 9-14-1999 by L.L. No. 32-1999 (Ch. 382 of the 1985 Code). Amendments noted where applicable. Uncodified sections of local laws amending these provisions are included at the end of this chapter.


Sale of drinking games to minors — See Ch. 294, Art. III.
Body piercing of minors — See Ch. 330, Art. I.
Armor-piercing bullets — See Ch. 349.
Firearms and weapons — See Ch. 467.
Graffiti — See Ch. 502.
Laser pointers — See Ch. 555.
Security, protection and safety — See Ch. 730.
Smoke bombs — See Ch. 751.