Chapter 643. Parks and Park Facilities  

Article I. Rules and Regulations
Article II. Lease or Licensing of Park Facilities
Article III. Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Article IV. Distribution of Single-Use Plastics
HISTORY: Adopted by the Suffolk County Legislature as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable. Uncodified sections of certain local laws amending these provisions are included at the end of this chapter.


Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation — See Charter, Art. XXVIII; Admin. Code Art. XXVIII.
Lease of County property — See Ch. 194.
Noise — See Ch. 618.
Off-street parking — See Ch. 639.
Parks and recreation fees — See Ch. 948, Art. X.
Marinas — See Ch. 1012.
Park police — See Ch. 1038.