Chapter 310. Balloons, Helium  

§ 310-1. Legislative intent.
§ 310-2. Release prohibited.
§ 310-3. Notification of restrictions.
§ 310-4. Enforcement.
§ 310-5. Penalties for offenses.
§ 310-6. Rules and regulations.
§ 310-7. Applicability.
§ 310-8. Reverse preemption.
§ 310-9. When effective.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Suffolk County Legislature 8-6-2002 by L.L. No. 17-2002 (Ch. 219 of the 1985 Code). Amendments noted where applicable. Uncodified sections of local laws amending these provisions are included at the end of this chapter.


Distribution of advertising materials — See Ch. 270, Art. I.
Dumping and littering — See Ch. 433.
At-store recycling program for plastic bags — See Ch. 692.