Suffolk County recognizes that one of the attributes of sound
financial management is a comprehensive debt policy; and adherence
to a Debt Policy signals to residents, rating agencies and the capital
markets that a government is well managed; and the goals and objectives
of the Debt Policy of Suffolk County are to guide the County and its
managers in policy and debt issuance decisions, maintain appropriate
capital assets for present and future needs, promote sound financial
management, protect and enhance the County's credit rating, ensure
the legal and prudent use of the County's debt issuance authority
and to evaluate debt issuance options; and the Debt Policy of Suffolk
County shall include but not be limited to the following components:
purposes for which debt can be issued, debt limitations and/or affordability,
use of current revenues, types of debt, bond structure, refunding,
methods of issuance, credit ratings and credit enhancement, underwriter
selection, consultants and administration and implementation.
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