Suffolk County |
Code of Ordinances |
Part III. Resolutions |
Chapter 1008. Long Island Commission on Aquifer Protection |
§ 1008-3. Membership.
Latest version.
A.The LICAP shall consist of nine members. Five entities shall have a permanent membership position: the Suffolk County Water Authority, the Long Island Water Conference, the Nassau-Suffolk Water Commissioner's Association and the Nassau and Suffolk Departments of Health. Each entity or member may designate a representative to attend meetings, and such representative shall serve at the pleasure of his or her designating entity. There shall be four appointed members, two members to be appointed from Nassau County and two members to be appointed from Suffolk County, as set forth below. A quorum of the LICAP shall consist of no fewer than five voting members, which, at a minimum, must include at least three of the permanent members and at least one such member from Nassau County and at least one member from Suffolk County; any subcommittee of the Council shall contain equal representation from each County and at least one permanent member.B.The Suffolk County Executive and the Presiding Officer of the Suffolk County Legislature shall each, subject to the approval of the Suffolk County Legislature, appoint one member to the LICAP, each of whom shall reside in Suffolk County. Each appointment shall be for a four-year term except the initial nonpermanent members of the LICAP shall have staggered terms, with the two Suffolk members having initial terms of one and four years and the two Nassau members having initial terms of two and three years. All members appointed pursuant to this subsection should have a background in hydrology, geology, hydrogeology, public sanitation, public health, and engineering, academia with a specialization in the study of groundwater issues, environmental protection and advocacy, or employment with a public water provider. Such members shall continue to hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified, provided that the appointment of a successor to a member who has continued to hold office after the expiration of his or her original term shall be for the unexpired portion of the new term; and provided, further, that the vacancies in the LICAP occurring as a result of something other than the expiration of the term shall be filled by the appointing authority, subject to the approval of the Legislature, for the unexpired term.C.The Suffolk County Executive, the Presiding Officer of the Suffolk County Legislature, the Minority Leader of the Suffolk County Legislature, the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation, and the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning, or their representatives, and the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District, shall serve as ex-officio members of the LICAP, but shall not be entitled to vote, and a representative from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the United States Geologic Survey and the Long Island Groundwater Research Institute shall be invited to serve as ex-officio members.[Amended 11-9-2013 by Res. No. 997-2013]