§ 796-3. Notification requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A private property owner who wishes to have a vehicle towed from his, her or its privately owned, publicly accessed parking lots, without the written consent of the owner of the vehicle, shall comply with the following requirements:
    The parking lot shall have conspicuously posted, at each entrance, signs (at least two feet high with at least two-inch-high lettering), which shall contain the following information:
    A statement warning that illegally parked vehicles will be towed.
    The hours during which this prohibition is applicable.
    The cost of the tow to be paid by the vehicle owner.
    The name and phone number of the towing company.
    The location where the vehicle is to be towed.
    The property owner's name.
    The property owner shall supply the towing company with a notarized affidavit authorizing tows, which shall contain the following:
    The name, address, and phone number of the owner.
    The address and description of the property.
    The name of the authorized tow company.
    The cost of the tow to be paid by the vehicle owner.
    The specific violations for which the tows/seizures are authorized.
    The specific days and hours during which towing is authorized.
    The location where the vehicles will be stored.
    A statement as to whether the owner is receiving any compensation for each vehicle seized or towed.