Chapter 633. Open Space Preservation  

§ 633-1. Legislative intent.
§ 633-2. Definitions.
§ 633-3. Open Space Acquisition Map.
§ 633-4. Procedures.
§ 633-5. Applicability.
§ 633-6. Cooperation of County departments.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Suffolk County Legislature 5-1-1990 by L.L. No. 12-1990 (Ch. 370 of the 1985 Code). Amendments noted where applicable. Uncodified sections of local laws amending these provisions are included at the end of this chapter.


Drinking water protection program — See Charter Art. XII.
Development of agricultural land — See Ch. 8.
Conservation easements — See Ch. 25.
Land exchanges — See Ch. 141.
Agricultural operations — See Ch. 274.
Land development — See Ch. 1001.
Land preservation — See Ch. 1005.