§ 314-3. Ranking of depositaries.  

Latest version.
  • The County Office of Citizen Affairs, or any successor entity thereto, is hereby authorized, empowered and directed, pursuant to § C31-3A(13) of the Suffolk County Charter, in conjunction with the Suffolk County Department of Audit and Control, pursuant to § C5-2 of the Suffolk County Charter, to provide a written ranking of any depositary doing business within the County of Suffolk on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of each and every year, beginning with the first quarter occurring on or after the effective date of this chapter, said written ranking to be distributed to the County Executive and to the County Legislature on said dates, based on the following consumer-protection standards:
    Does the depositary:
    Affirmatively mention the availability of lifeline accounts to all potential customers who inquire as to the various accounts available at the bank?
    Not charge a fee for using a live teller?
    Forward copies of cashed checks to the consumer at no charge?
    Not impose minimum deposit requirements in excess of $2,000 to open an interest-bearing account?
    Not charge a monthly service fee for the first 15 checks in each checking account?
    Not charge a fee to a customer who submits a check written by another party with insufficient funds to cover the check?
    Limit the cost for the preparation of a money order to no more than $3.50?
    Cash all government-issued checks without charging a fee?
    The greater the compliance with the above criteria, the more consumer-friendly the ranking shall be.
Amended 9-15-2011 by L.L. No. 49-2011; 6-17-2014 by L.L. No. 32-2014