No applicant for registration or renewal shall have any outstanding
judgment for child support against him or her, or be in arrears in
child-support payments as determined by official court records or
official government records, at the time an application is filed for
such registration or renewal. If an applicant has such a judgment
against him or her, or is in such arrears, but is current in payments
on a judicially approved, or Child Support Enforcement Bureau sanctioned,
payment schedule to pay off or reduce such judgment or arrears, then
such individual shall not be deemed ineligible for registration or
renewal on the grounds of such judgment or arrears. At least 30 days
prior to the expiration of a registration, the Office shall send a
written notice to a registrant informing said registrant of his or
her obligation to comply with the provisions of this section pertaining
to compliance with child-support obligations. If necessary, a second
written notice shall be sent by the Office to a registrant 60 days
after the registration has lapsed, informing said registrant of his
or her obligation to comply with the provisions of this section pertaining
to compliance with the child-support obligations. In addition, the
County Department of Social Services, through its Child Support Enforcement
Bureau, shall notify all current noncustodial parents of the obligations
contained herein.