Prior to granting any utility easement through lands acquired
by the County of Suffolk for park, historic trust, nature preserve,
farmland, bird sanctuary, open space or other environmentally sensitive
purposes, as authorized by Article XII of the Suffolk County Charter,
any requests and proposals for such a utility easement shall first
be reviewed and approved by the Suffolk County Board of Trustees of
Parks, Recreation and Conservation and may be reviewed by such other
governmental departments as shall be required by law or by designation
of the County Executive or the County Legislature. In addition to
other considerations as may be deemed relevant by the Trustees, said
Trustees shall give due consideration to any Suffolk County Master
Plan; to any local master plans or comprehensive plan developed by
the jurisdiction in which such land lies; other relevant plan studies
prepared by or on behalf of a pertinent municipality; environmental
laws; and state, County and local statutes in considering requests
and proposals for utility easements. The determination, conclusion
and recommendation of said Board shall then be forwarded to the Suffolk
County Legislature for approval or disapproval of any such request
or proposal for the granting of a utility easement through any of
the above-described lands upon such terms and conditions as may be
approved by the County Legislature.
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